- Bin Weevils On Ipad Screen
- Bin Weevils On Ipad 2
- Can You Play Bin Weevils On Ipad
- Bin Weevils On Ipad Air
Aug 27, 2018 How to Make a Magazine on Bin Weevils. You just got your Bin Weevils membership card and you want to make a magazine. This wikiHow article will explain how. Its easy, its simple and its effective! Go to www.binweevils.com. Make sure you.
This year has been the most busy because all your faviroute bin weevils toys, magazines, cards and stickers are all avalible in stores! Not only can you play games on the wonderfull world of bin weevils, Go Mobile to access your weevily games for a low price on your mobile. You can only get bin weevils apps on a selection of mobiles as follows, iPhone, iPod, iPad.
Tinks Blocks -App
How about you play Tinks Blocks the only way to earn bin bots on a mobile! On this game you have to complete 4 levels to receive a bin bot!
Meet The Bin Weevils -App
How about you play Meet The Bin Weevils where you can explore the knowledge of bin weevils characters on a mobile! On this app you get watch the bin weevils cartoons and read everything about a well known bin weevil!
Bin Bots, Bin Bots. The microscopic creatures invented by Lab. Where to start with them?
Well, let’s start with where you can get them. The easiest way is to go to Lab’s Lab and buy your own. It’s a random choice, so you’d better be happy with what you get! The first one you get is FREE! But after that they costdifferent amounts of Dosh, depending on how many you have. As I said, the first one is always free; the next few are 18; the next few are 25; the next few are 30 Dosh etc etc, but you do get 200 XP for every one you buy so it’s not too bad! Here is where you get them at Lab’s Lab:
You can also get the Ice Bot, Barf Bot and rare Fire Fly by getting the Tink’s Blocks APP on your iPhone or iPad. Here is what you see:
Once you’ve got a Bin Bot, go to your nest and click this button below to view your own Bin Bot!
If you click ‘Enter World’ you can see your Bots.
Here is a list of all the Bin Bots!
So, I am going to give you the potion mixtures for the Bin Bot machine outside Lab’s Lab! (Not the Bin Bot claw! The Bin Bot potion machine!) So, here are the mixtures and what they get you:
2 x Blue (BB-5) + Purple (BB+3) for 24 hours – get’s you Trizer.
Pink (BB-1) + Blue (BB-5) + Green (BB-4) for 24 hours – gets you Bed Bug.
Pink (BB-1) + Orange (BB-2) + Pink (BB-1) for 24 hours – gets you Hamma Bird.
Green (BB-4) + Blue (BB-5) + Purple (BB-3) for 24 hours – gets you Octopuss.
Pink (BB-1) + 2 x Orange (BB-2) for 24 hours – gets you Garbage Bot.
Bin Weevils On Ipad Screen
3 x Orange (BB-2) for 24 hours – gets you Bronco.
Orange (BB-2) + 2 x Green (BB-4) for 24 hours – gets you Loady Bug.
Bin Weevils On Ipad 2
2 x Orange (BB-2) + Blue (BB-5) for 24 hours – gets you Stilt Jig.
3 x Purple (BB-3) for 24 hours – gets you Slug Bug.
3 x Pink (BB-1) for 24 hours – gets you Rockilla.
Purple (BB-3) + Orange (BB-2) +Purple (BB-3) for 24 Hours – gets you Hug Bug
Can You Play Bin Weevils On Ipad
Pink (BB-1) + 2 x Blue (BB-5) for 24 Hours – gets you Snuffle Bee.
Bin Weevils On Ipad Air
2 x Green (BB-4) + Blue (BB-5) for 24 hours – gets Bow Beep.