OLD SWS Mission 1
The BinWeevils Mission 1 The Lost Bin Pet Walkthrough is now available for you to check out on this page. This BinWeevils walkthrough will guide you through the mission from start to finish. If you get stuck on a puzzle or can’t find a missing object than take a minute to watch our BinWeevils Mission 1 The Lost Bin Pet walkthrough video.
Bin Weevils First Mission Walkthrough Game
First Step, You have to find the key first witch is located in castle gam behind the bottom right rock (you will need weevil cam).
Then after you’ve found it go inside Castle Gam and click on the door on the right.
Bin Weevils App
In the second room is a puzzle. It’s REALLY really hard. The picture is of a weevil. Please don’t comment asking other weevils to go on your weevil! Someone nasty might come along and hack your binweevil! I cannot show you how to do sorry! You must put alot of effort in and try your very best! Instead of writing bad comments ask someone who is good at it in your family and tell them to help you with it. OKAY NEXT ROOM!
In the third room you see when you walk in the room on the left near the candle theres like a stick you get it then on the roof theres another hook you pull it down with the stick. then a paper thing should come down and say wet me then get the brush dip it in the water. and you wet the the paper thing.(you have to wet it till a beater comes out on the instrument thing). You have to play the notes witch should be aga g f e d c# d
then when it turns blue if you look carefuly the notes change you have to play it quick and when you do it theirs gonna be a song playing.
For the final room click on the Roman numerals in order of course (I,II,III,IV,V,VI,VII,VIII,IX,X) Then click the sliver kinght and you will see this: